E.S.H. Da Vinci

Student Archery for Eindhoven


Da Vinci has the following committees, which can be reached through the contact information below. Should a committee not have an email adress, you can message the board instead through info@eshdavinci.nl.

ActCie: Activity Committee

The ActCie is a fun and informal committee that does not require much effort. If you'd like to help organize or if you have a fun idea for an activity this is the place to be. Most of Da Vinci’s internal activities are organized by the Activity Committee, or ActCie for short. These activities range from the larger annual events like the Demolition Gala and the End-of-the-Year BBQ to smaller activities like a game night or a pub quiz, and anything in between.

Currently the ActCie has four people on the committee, but six people would be preferred.

If you would like more information, ask for Lieke (Chairman) when you're at the association, or shoot an e-mail to activiteiten@eshdavinci.nl.

BarCie: Bartending Committee

Da Vinci is proudly associated with Hubble Community Café, which is managed by the Bartending Committee, known as the BarCie. Some of our members are volunteer bartenders at Hubble. You can do that as well, with no prior experience needed! If you would like to learn to tap beers and have a nice evening in Hubble, become a part of the BarCie!

If you would like more information, ask for Nina, or shoot an e-mail to bartenders@eshdavinci.nl.

BCC: Beginners Course Committee

The Beginners Course Committee, BCC for short, takes care of new archers during their beginners' course. Instructors from this committee make sure everyone joining our association can shoot well and, more importantly, safely. We also call upon this committee’s services when giving clinics to external parties, and during the workshops of the Introduction Week.

Currently the BCC has two leading members, but four would be preferred.

If you would like more information, ask for Olaf or shoot an e-mail directly to beginnerscourse@eshdavinci.nl.

CakeCie: Cake Baking (and Sharing!) Committee

The goal of the CakeCie is to bake or buy something sweet or savoury for all kinds of activities at Da Vinci. The CakeCie bakes for sure for the General Assembly every time, but can also be asked by other committees to bring something. Da Vinci has put aside some money for it, and the committee members are in a WhatsApp group where we say what kind of activities they must bake for and claim whether someone can bake or not. There are no meetings, only baking time.

Currently there are nine people on this committee, but baking is always on a best-effort basis. No cupcake is too small (but we will gladly accept wedding cakes too!). At least six people is preferred.

If you would like more information, ask for Lieke.

CommunicaCie: Communications Committee

The CommunicaCie is the committee that takes care of all of the association’s digital needs, ranging from the website to various web-apps such as the B.arsysteem. They maintain and enhance all the digital systems in use at the association. You can always get in touch with CommunicaCie if any of these systems do not work, or if you have a cool idea for something new. Regular tasks are adjusting settings in web panels (e.g. DNS, administration), developing and maintaining software (A.dtmin, B.arsysteem, C.ompetitions, D.ash), advising on software choices & supporting the board in using the digital infrastructure.

Currently there are four people on the committee, of which two in an advisory role. Five people would be preferred.

If you would like more information, ask for Jesse or shoot an e-mail directly to web@eshdavinci.nl.

WedCie: Competition Committee

The competition committee, better known as the WedCie, is the committee tasked with the promotion of competitive archery within our association. The biggest event the WedCie organizes each year is our annual Kings shoot (February, 8 hours of work), where our members compete to become King or Prince of their discipline or the association. Other events include the Beginners Competition (January, six hours of work), NSK, Ladder, and any other competition the club may need. Committee members also regularly check calendars, blogs, and Facebook groups to find fun competitions to compete in (examples: 3D Echt, NSK Archery, Sagittarius A-Status, Lowlands 50/70 series). These are then added to the Event Calendar where we provide information relevant to our members, and through which we often arrange the signups. Recently we have also created a WhatsApp Community to make it easier for people to join, and see who else is joining these external competitions. Other than that, the board and the committee make sure Da Vinci has a KHSN competition leader, so we have a contact point for the KHSN regional competitions (18m and 25m1p).

Currently, there are three people on this committee. At least two are required to keep things running.

If you would like more information, ask for Jan or shoot an e-mail to wedstrijd@eshdavinci.nl.

Material Committee

The Material Committee, or MatCie, maintains all club materials, like the bows and arrows used during the beginner's courses. The committee does this together with the board. They also offer activities concerning materials occasionally, to teach both new and experienced archers how to care for their equipment. The committee also keeps an eye on when to buy new equipment, so we have enough material to facilitate everyone to shoot a complete bow. Regular tasks are checking if there are enough working arrows for all beginners to use, and if not see if we can fix arrows by glueing in new points or fletching new vanes, checking if all the strings on the club bows are still good to shoot with (if in doubt ask the trainer what to look for), and checking with the board if new materials need to be bought and if yes how many of what we want in stock. It costs whatever how many hours you want, most of it is done by just showing up and keeping an eye on our materials. It is recommended to have one afternoon (6 hours) a year to check the inventory of all our materials.

Right now, there are three people on this committee, but only two active, which is the minimum required. This committee could really use an extra set of hands!

If you would like more information, ask for Jan or shoot an e-mail to materiaal@eshdavinci.nl.

Advisory Council (formerly Raad van Advies)

The Advisory Council is tasked with providing solicited and unsolicited advice to the board and/or the GA to improve continuity in the leadership of the association. Ideally, its members have extensive knowledge of Da Vinci operations, a good network in student/sports organizations, and/or board experience.

If you want to contact the Advisory Council, you can contact one of the board members for information.

Recruitment Committee

The Recruitment Committee, also known as the RecruitCie, oversees promotion, both internal and external. They organize our part in the Introduction Week of the TU/e but also make promotional materials for, for example, beginner's courses and events organized by Da Vinci. These are also the people who oversee our social media presence. Regular tasks are organizing the Introduction Week, arranging flyers for the Introduction Week, arranging flyers for committee market, making templates for the Instagram of Da Vinci, promoting the SSCE Open week and Van Lint week and making Hubble posters on the screens in the Community Café.

There are four people on the RecruitCie, and seven people for the (related) IntroCie. At least four are required for the RecruitCie, and preferably eight for the IntroCie.

If you would like more information, ask for Lieke, or send an e-mail to recruitment@eshdavinci.nl.