E.S.H. Da Vinci

Student Archery for Eindhoven

Region Competition


The NHB has divided the Netherlands into 4 parts called "Rayons" and each Rayon is divided into 4 "Regions". Every year during the winter season, the NHB (Dutch Archery Federation) organises two seperate series of competitions for these various subdivisions. Both competitions consist of 3 stages: in the first stage (Region competition) you only compete against archers from your own region. In the second stage (Rayon Championship) you compete against archers from all 4 regions in your Rayon. Finally in the third stage (Federation/National Championship) you compete against archers from across the Netherlands.

Competition Distance Rounds Arrows/round Target Timeframe
Indoor 18m 10 3 40cm September - December
25m1arrow 25m 25 1 60cm September - March

The competition is a different association each time, allowing for you to meet archers from outside your own association and see other shooting ranges.

1. Region

The Region Competition consists of 7 competitions, of which you need to shoot at least 6. If you shoot all 7, the 6 highest scores are counted and the lowest is discarded.

2. Rayon

Info coming soon

3. National

Info coming soon

Signing up: Region

To sign up for one or both of these competitions, you use the site mijn.handboogsport.nl of the NHB. This can be done until 15-08-2022. This site is only in Dutch, but can be translated by Google. If you need help, please ask the Board

First, you will have to setup what discipline you use. From My page head to Preferences and select all World Archery disciplines you shoot, as well as "Preference for the Federation Competitions (Indoor and 25m1arrow).

Head back to My Page. At the top, there should now be a list of competitions you can compete in with the bow(s) you selected. At the right side of each of these is a button to sign up, which will bring you to a new screen. Here you can select if you want to shoot in a team, and whether you will not be competing in the Rayon Championship after the Region. Once you click "Sign me up" you will officially be competing!

You can shoot the same competition with multiple disciplines, but this is not recommended as times may conflict.